At Arrowleaf Veterinary we believe that healthy teeth contribute to your pets quality of life. Healthy oral hygiene is achieved with at home habits as well as dental cleanings. At your next visit, talk to your veterinarian about dental chews, brushing your pets teeth and other at home methods to improve dental hygiene.

We offer anesthetized dental cleanings, dental radiographs and surgical extractions for broken, fractured and infected teeth. Prior to any anesthetized procedure, basic bloodwork is done to make sure your pet is healthy for anesthesia. During a dental cleaning, your pet’s teeth are assessed, radiographed, cleaned, and polished. We use digital dental radiographs to see below the gumline to ensure your pet does not have any diseased roots or abscesses. The teeth are then cleaned using handheld instruments, as well as an ultrasonic scaler to remove tarter above and below the gums. After the teeth are cleaned, they are polished.

Necessary extractions are performed by the doctor. Extractions may be needed for fractured, abscessed, loose and painful teeth. Young dogs may also have retained puppy teeth, that can cause problems if they are not removed.


Preventative Wellness

